Creative Director/ Freelance Copywriter

Nexplanon/Tik Tok

Nexplanon - The birth control that goes in your arm. TIK TOK/IG


ASK FOR YOURSELF. ASK FOR NEXPLANON. (TIK TOK/ IG/ FB/ SC) Asking about birth control…on Tik Tok? Doctor’s get it. There’s no room for shame. Nexplanon champions asking your doctor about your birth control. So go ahead and ask for yourself.

Doctors get it, and so does the birth control that goes in your arm so you don’t have to worry about missing a tablet. It’s one less thing to worry about. No Tik Tok dancing yet.

You asked to work from home. You asked for that promotion. Why can’t you ask about your birth control? With Nexplanon, you can focus on one-and-done without worrying about any surprises. Let your in-laws ask when the next kid is coming along and just smile, darling. Your arm will know better.